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Our team members are;

Loyal, Dependable, Safety Minded, Talented, Respectful, Experienced, Accountable, Dedicated, and Punctual

Casino Tour Information

South Beach Casino

  • 2016 fees are $80.00 per person based on double occupancy
  • or $90.00 on weekends/double occupancy
  • $90.00 per person based on single occupancy
  • Fill a frequent customer card and for every filled card you will be elligable for a free trip to the South Beach Casino
  • Courtesy muffins and water at the beginning of our early morning start for all.

Shooting Star Casino

  • $130.00 per person based on double occupancy
  • $160.00 per person based on single occupany
  • All fees to be paid a week before departure
  • Itineraries will be sent in the mail as soon as payment is recieved
  • Passports or enhanced drivers licence are accepted at the border crossing.
  • There is a chance to win a free trip to Shooting Star by playing Bingo on the bus
  • Courtesy muffins and water for all at the begining of our early morning trips

Sky Dancer Casino

  • $25.00 per person on our day trips
  • passports and enhanced drivers licence need at the border crossing
  • Free cookies and water at the start of the trip for all
  • Free trip to be won playing bingofor one to the Sky Dancer Cacino

Coupon Rules

Just remember that newspaper coupons cannot be used on our tours at the duty free  shop.  They are only to be used when going on your own.



Coach Rules

  • No glass of any kind.
  • We like to be scent free due to allergies
  • Please be kind and arrive on time (fifteen minutes prior to departure)